首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Infection Control >National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance (NNIS) Report, Data Summary from October 1986-April 1997, Issued May 1997

National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance (NNIS) Report, Data Summary from October 1986-April 1997, Issued May 1997


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This report is a summary of the data collected and reported by hospitals participating in the National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance (NNIS) System from October 1986 through April 1997 and updates previously published data. The NNIS System was established in 1970 when selected hospitals in the United States routinely began reporting their nosocomial infection surveillance data for aggregation into a national database. Hospitals participating in the NNIS System provide general medical-surgical inpatient services to adults or children requiring acute care. Identity of the 257 hospitals currently participating in the NNIS System is confidential.
机译:本报告是1986年10月至1997年4月间参加国家医院感染监测(NNIS)系统的医院收集和报告的数据的摘要,并更新了以前发布的数据。 NNIS系统建立于1970年,当时美国的部分医院例行开始报告其医院感染监测数据,以汇总到国家数据库中。参与NNIS系统的医院为需要急诊的成人或儿童提供一般的外科手术住院服务。当前参与NNIS系统的257家医院的身份是保密的。


  • 来源
    《American Journal of Infection Control》 |1997年第6期|p.477-487|共11页
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  • 收录信息 美国《科学引文索引》(SCI);美国《化学文摘》(CA);
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类 传染病;
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