首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Economics and Sociology >Does the Henry George Theorem Provide a Practical Guide to Optimal City Size?

Does the Henry George Theorem Provide a Practical Guide to Optimal City Size?


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The spatial distribution of economic activity is determined by a balancing of increasing and decreasing returns to scale activi-ties. The Henry George Theorem states roughly that, if economic activity is efficiently organized over a "large" space, aggregate land rents equal the aggregate losses from the decreasing returns to scale activities. Kanemoto, Ohkawara, and Suzuki have tentatively applied the Henry George Theorem to investigate whether Tokyo has too large a population. This paper has two aims. The first is to explore the Theorem and its generality; the second is to examine whether it provides a promising conceptual foundation for estimating whether particular cities are over- or underpopulated.
机译:经济活动的空间分布取决于规模活动收益递增和递减的平衡。亨利·乔治定理粗略地指出,如果经济活动是在一个“大”空间上有效组织的,则土地总租金等于规模经济活动收益递减所造成的总损失。 Kanemoto,Ohkawara和Suzuki暂时应用了Henry George定理来研究东京是否人口过多。本文有两个目的。首先是探索定理及其普遍性。第二个方面是检查它是否为估计特定城市的人口过剩或人口不足提供了有希望的概念基础。



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