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Tom L. Johnson and Cleveland Traction Wars, 1901-1909


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Tom L. Johnson made his mark on politics far from Capitol Hill, in the gritty world of turn-of-the-century Cleveland, Ohio. Barely 30 years old and at the height of a successful career as an inventor, steel manufacturer, and street railway monopolist, Tom Loftin Johnson experienced a change of heart. After discovering the ideas of Henry George, Johnson became a lifelong advocate of the single tax, which he used to guide his new career in politics. In 1901, Cleveland voters elected Johnson to the first of his four terms as mayor of the industrial city of 400,000 people. During his eight-year reign as chief executive, Cleveland took over essential services such as garbage collection, street cleaning, and lighting from private enterprise. Johnson helped humanize the city's correctional system by replacing the old workhouse with a network of farm colonies designed to rehabilitate wayward youths and adults convicted of petty crimes. Largely as a result of Johnson's efforts, Cleveland won constitutional home rule, a lower streetcar fare, the referendum, and higher taxes on the corporations that amassed giant fortunes through perpetual public franchise grants. For a short time, while he was still mayor, Cleveland owned and operated its own streetcar company, a rarity in early 20th-century America. All of these accomplishments made Johnson something of a hero to progressive reformers. The muckraker Lincoln Steffens famously called Johnson "the best Mayor of the best-governed city in the United States."
机译:汤姆·约翰逊(Tom L. Johnson)在世纪之交的俄亥俄州克利夫兰(Cleveland)充满泥泞的世界中,在远离国会山的政治界留下了自己的印记。汤姆·洛夫汀·约翰逊(Tom Loftin Johnson)才30岁,在作为发明家,钢铁制造商和街头铁路垄断者的成功职业生涯顶峰时期,经历了一次转变。在发现了亨利·乔治(Henry George)的想法后,约翰逊(Johnson)成为了终身税收的终身倡导者,他以此来​​指导他的新政治生涯。 1901年,克利夫兰选民将约翰逊当选为拥有40万人工业城市的市长,这是他四个任期的第一任。在担任首席执行官的八年中,克利夫兰接管了基本服务,例如垃圾收集,街道清洁和私营企业的照明。约翰逊(Johnson)通过用农场殖民地网络取代旧的工作间,使这座城市的教养系统人性化,该网络旨在恢复被判犯有轻罪的任性青年和成年人的生活。很大程度上是由于约翰逊的努力,克利夫兰赢得了宪法上的本国统治,较低的有轨电车票价,全民公投以及对通过永久公共特许经营权积累巨额财富的公司征收的更高税款。在他仍然担任市长期间的很短时间内,克利夫兰拥有并经营着自己的有轨电车公司,这在20世纪初的美国非常罕见。所有这些成就使约翰逊成为进步改革家的英雄。臭名昭著的林肯·斯特芬斯(Lincoln Steffens)称约翰逊为“美国管理最完善的城市中最好的市长”。



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