首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Economics and Sociology >Race and Location: The Role Neighborhoods Play in Family Wealth and Weil-Being

Race and Location: The Role Neighborhoods Play in Family Wealth and Weil-Being


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A household's wealth provides an important form of economic security for a family, as well as enabling parents to invest in children to help them realize their aspirations. Yet in the United States, wealth inequality between white families and families of color who are earning the same incomes has reached startling levels. The racial wealth gap, which reduces the opportunities available to African American families, has proved to be a pernicious and enduring phenomenon since it was first identified in 1990. This article identifies and explores the role of neighborhoods in creating and perpetuating the ongoing racial wealth gap. Wealth available to a family influences the neighborhood a family is able to afford to live in: through wealth available to purchase a home or wealth available to put down a deposit on an apartment. This article makes the case that the neighborhood a family lives in not only influences social outcomes, but also influences how much wealth a family can build over the years, either as a homeowner or a renter. It also discusses the key wealth mechanisms that influence neighborhood access as well as how a household's neighborhood location influences wealth accumulation. Historical government policies created an inequitable landscape of neighborhoods across the United States. Government policies must seek to address this historical injustice.
机译:家庭财富为家庭提供了重要的经济保障,也使父母能够投资子女以帮助他们实现自己的愿望。然而,在美国,白人家庭和有同样收入的有色家庭之间的财富不平等程度达到了惊人的水平。自1990年首次发现以来,种族贫富差距就减少了非裔美国人家庭的机会,这已被证明是一个有害而持久的现象。本文确定并探讨了社区在创造和延续当前种族贫富差距中的作用。 。家庭可用的财富会影响家庭有能力负担的邻居:通过可购买房屋的财富或可用于押金的财富。本文提出了这样一个案例:一个家庭居住的邻居不仅影响社会结果,而且还影响一个家庭多年来作为房主或房客可以积累多少财富。它还讨论了影响邻居访问的关键财富机制,以及家庭的邻居位置如何影响财富积累。历史上的政府政策在美国各地造成了不平等的环境。政府政策必须设法解决这一历史不公。



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