首页> 外文期刊>Algorithmica >Pricing for Fairness: Distributed Resource Allocation for Multiple Objectives

Pricing for Fairness: Distributed Resource Allocation for Multiple Objectives


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In this paper, we present a simple distributed algorithm for resource allocation which simultaneously approximates the optimum value for a large class of objective functions. In particular, we consider the class of canonical utility functions U that are symmetric, non-decreasing, concave, and satisfy U(0) = 0. Our distributed algorithm is based on primal-dual updates. We prove that this algorithm is an O(log ρ)-approximation for all canonical utility functions simultaneously, i.e. without any knowledge of U. The algorithm needs at most O(log 2 ρ) iterations where ρ is the biggest one among the number of flows, the number of edges, and the ratio between the maximum capacity and the minimum capacity of the edges in the network. This result is refined for multi-path routing problem, and also extended to a natural pricing mechanism that results in a simple and practical protocol for bandwidth allocation in a network.
机译:在本文中,我们提出了一种用于资源分配的简单分布式算法,该算法同时为一大类目标函数逼近最佳值。特别地,我们考虑对称,不递减,凹且满足U(0)= 0的规范效用函数U的类。我们的分布式算法基于原始对偶更新。我们证明该算法同时是所有规范效用函数的O(logρ)逼近,即不了解U。该算法最多需要O(log 2 ρ)次迭代,其中ρ为流数量,边缘数量以及网络中边缘的最大容量和最小容量之比中最大的一个。此结果针对多路径路由问题进行了改进,并且还扩展到了自然定价机制,该定价机制可为网络中的带宽分配提供简单实用的协议。



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