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Design concept of a high-altitude long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicle


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This paper presents a conceptual project of a high-altitude long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicle. It describes a number of historical, current and prospective HALE aircraft and considers existing four serious obstacles, to overcome them can mean the successful building of HALE aircraft. Among these obstacles there are very special aerodynamic (low Reynolds numbers together with transonic speeds), very light structures usually of high aspect ratio, propulsion technology (usually propeller driven by turbocharged piston engines) and flight control system (usually combining the best features of preprogrammed and hand-flown modes). Four aerodynamic design concepts are presented and their performances are compared. Among them is a biplane, considered mainly because of its moderate wing span, which can be obtained for a relatively big wing area and a high effective wing aspect ratio, a relatively stiff wing structure, and lower induced drag being possible to be obtained at the same lift and wing area as for the equivalent monoplane. It is shown that an attentively designed biplane can be efficient aerodynamically for high altitude patrol missions having almost the same endurance, using the same fuel to reach a service ceiling and having the take-of T mass (and the payload) considerably bigger than a corresponding, equivalent monoplane. The paper is completed with selected considerations about dynamic stability.
机译:本文提出了一种高空长寿命无人机的概念方案。它描述了许多历史,当前和未来的HALE飞机,并考虑了现有的四个严重障碍,克服这些障碍可能意味着HALE飞机的成功建造。在这些障碍中,有非常特殊的空气动力学特性(低雷诺数和跨音速),通常具有高纵横比的非常轻的结构,推进技术(通常由涡轮增压活塞发动机驱动的螺旋桨)和飞行控制系统(通常结合了预编程的最佳功能)和手动模式)。提出了四种空气动力学设计概念,并对它们的性能进行了比较。其中有一个双翼飞机,主要由于其机翼跨度适中而被认为是双翼飞机,对于较大的机翼面积和较高的有效机翼长宽比而言,可以获得双翼飞机,机翼结构相对较硬,并且在机翼处可获得较低的诱导阻力。与等效单翼飞机相同的升力和机翼面积。结果表明,精心设计的双翼飞机在空气动力学上对于具有几乎相同的续航能力,使用相同的燃料达到服务上限并具有比相应的质量大得多的T质量(和有效载荷)的高空巡逻任务而言,在空气动力学方面是有效的。 ,等效单翼飞机。本文在选择时考虑了动态稳定性。



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