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Mixed planted-fallows using coppicing and non-coppicing tree species for degraded Acrisols in eastern Zambia


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The widespread planting of Sesbania sesban fallows for replenishing soil fertility in eastern Zambia has the potential of causing pest outbreaks in the future. The pure S. sesban fallows may not produce enough biomass needed for replenishing soil fertility in degraded soils. Therefore, an experiment was conducted at Kagoro in Katete district in the Eastern Province of Zambia from 1997 to 2002 to test whether multi-species fallows, combining non-coppicing with coppicing tree species, are better than mono-species fallows of either species for soil improvement and increasing subsequent maize yields. Mono-species fallows of S. sesban (non-coppicing), Gliricidia sepium, Leucaena leucocephala and Acacia angustissima (all three coppicing), and mixed fallows of G. sepium + S. sesban, L. leucocephala + S. sesban, A. angustissima + S. sesban and natural fallow were compared over a three-year period. Two maize (Zea mays) crops were grown subsequent to the fallows. The results established that S. sesban is poorly adapted and G. sepiumis superior to other species for degraded soils. At the end of three years, sole G. sepium fallow produced the greatest total biomass of 22.1 Mg ha−1 and added 27 kg ha−1 more N to soil than G. sepium + S. sesban mixture. During the first post-fallow year, the mixed fallow at 3.8 Mg ha−1 produced 77% more coppice biomass than sole G. sepium, whereas in the second year both sole G. sepium and the mixture produced similar amounts of biomass (1.6 to 1.8 Mg ha−1). The G. sepium + S. sesban mixture increased water infiltration rate more than sole G. sepium, but both these systems had similar effects in reducing soil resistance to penetration compared with continuous maize without fertilizer. Although sole G. sepium produced high biomass, it was G. sepium + S. sesban mixed fallow which resulted in 33% greater maize yield in the first post-fallow maize. However, both these G. sepium-based fallows had similar effects on the second post-fallow maize. Thus the results are not conclusive on the beneficial effects of G. sepium + S. sesban mixture over sole G. sepium.
机译:为补充赞比亚东部的土壤肥力,广泛种植了塞斯巴尼亚塞斯班休耕地,这有可能在今后引起病虫害暴发。纯净的S. sesban休闲可能无法产生足够的生物量,以补充退化土壤中的土壤肥力。因此,从1997年至2002年,在赞比亚东部省卡特特地区的Kagoro进行了一项试验,以测试将非耕种与耕种树种相结合的多物种休闲土壤是否比两种物种的单物种休闲土壤更好改善并增加随后的玉米产量。 S. sesban(不育),Gliricidia sepium,Leucaena leucocephala和Acacia angustissima的单种休耕(全部三个),以及G. sepium + S. sesban,L.leucocephala + S. sesban,A.的混合休耕。比较了三年内的angustissima + S. ssban和自然休养期。休耕后种植了两种玉米(Zea mays)。结果表明,S。sesban的适应性较差,而G. sepium在降解土壤方面优于其他物种。三年结束时,唯一的G. Sepium休耕产生的总生物量最大,为22.1 Mg ha-1 ,并且比G. sepium + S. ssban多了27 kg ha-1 的土壤氮。混合物。在休耕后的第一年,混合休耕地3.8 Mg ha-1 产生的小灌木林生物量比单独的G. sepium高出77%,而在第二年,单独的G. sepium和混合物产生的类似量的生物质(1.6至1.8 Mg ha-1 )。 G. sepium + S. ssban混合物比单独的G. sepium的增加的水渗透速率,但是与不使用化肥的连续玉米相比,这两种系统在降低土壤的抗渗透性方面具有相似的效果。尽管唯一的G. sepium产生了高生物量,但它是G. sepium + S. ssban混合休耕,这使得休耕后的第一个玉米的玉米产量提高了33%。但是,这两种基于G. Sepium的休耕方式对休耕后的第二种玉米都有类似的影响。因此,该结果对于G. sepium + S. sesban混合物对唯一的G. sepium的有益效果尚无定论。



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