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Romanians to help BAE Systems re-launch BAe 146QT freighter program

机译:罗马尼亚人帮助BAE Systems重新启动BAe 146QT货机计划

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In the last decade or so, aircraft main-tainers and manufacturers in Eastern Europe have led the world in low-cost services that are even more attractive than those offered by many Asian companies. Budapest-based Aeroplex of Central Europe and Prague-based CSA Czech Airlines are just two of the respected companies in the region. Recent market surveys estimate that the maintenance and modification industry in Eastern Europe will grow by more than 10% in the next decade (the world's fastest-growing market next to the relatively small sector in India).
机译:在过去的十年左右的时间里,东欧的飞机制造商和制造商以低成本的服务领先于世界,这些服务甚至比许多亚洲公司提供的服务更具吸引力。位于布达佩斯的中欧Aeroplex和位于布拉格的CSA Czech Airlines只是该地区备受尊敬的两家公司。最近的市场调查估计,东欧的维护和改装行业将在未来十年内增长10%以上(是世界上增长最快的市场,仅次于印度相对较小的部门)。



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