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Distributed Intelligent MEMS: A Survey and a Real-Time Programming Framework


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In recent years, distributed intelligent microelectromechanical systems (DiMEMSs) have appeared as a new form of distributed embedded systems. DiMEMSs contain thousands or millions of removable autonomous devices, which will collaborate with each other to achieve the final target of the whole system. Programming such systems is becoming an extremely difficult problem. The difficulty is due not only to their inherent nature of distributed collaboration, mobility, large scale, and limited resources of their devices (e.g., in terms of energy, memory, communication, and computation) but also to the requirements of real-time control and tolerance for uncertainties such as inaccurate actuation and unreliable communications. As a result, existing programming languages for traditional distributed and embedded systems are not suitable for DiMEMSs. In this article, we first introduce the origin and characteristics of DiMEMSs and then survey typical implementations of DiMEMSs and related research hotspots. Finally, we propose a real-time programming framework that can be used to design new real-time programming languages for DiMEMSs. The framework is composed of three layers: a real-time programming model layer, a compilation layer, and a runtime system layer. The design challenges and requirements of these layers are investigated. The framework is then discussed in further detail and suggestions for future research are given.
机译:近年来,分布式智能微机电系统(DiMEMS)出现了作为分布式嵌入式系统的一种新形式。 DiMEMS包含成千上万的可移动自主设备,它们将相互协作以实现整个系统的最终目标。对此类系统进行编程正成为一个极其困难的问题。困难不仅是由于它们固有的分布式协作,移动性,大规模和设备资源有限(例如,在能量,内存,通信和计算方面),而且还取决于实时控制的要求。对不确定性的容忍度,例如不准确的致动和不可靠的通讯。结果,用于传统分布式和嵌入式系统的现有编程语言不适合DiMEMS。在本文中,我们首先介绍DiMEMS的起源和特征,然后调查DiMEMS的典型实现方式和相关研究热点。最后,我们提出了一个实时编程框架,该框架可用于为DiMEMS设计新的实时编程语言。该框架由三层组成:实时编程模型层,编译层和运行时系统层。研究了这些层的设计挑战和要求。然后对该框架进行了更详细的讨论,并提出了进一步研究的建议。



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