首页> 外文期刊>エネルギー·資源学会研究発表会講演論文要旨集 >気候変動緩和費用から見たリスク対応戦略



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IPCC WG1AR5では,「人間活動が20世紀半ば以降に観 測された温暖化の主な要因であった可能性が極めて高い (95〜100%の確率)」とされており'、人為的な温室効果ガ ス排出によつて地球温暖化が進行してきていることは極 めて確からしいと考えられる.%The issue of climate change is beset with uncertainty. We focused on climate change mitigation costs, and the impacts of various constraints in the real world on the costs were quantitatively analyzed by using DNE21+ model which is a global energy systems model.(1)The global emission reduction cost per GDP considering NDCs (Nationally Determined Contributions) under the Paris Agreement were estimated as 0.38%. This cost is 6.5 times greater than that under global least-cost strategy. (2) For Japan and U.S., several case studies considering governmental and social constraints on energy mix were carried out. The case studies reveal (i) Japan's NDC could be considerably more costly than the least-cost measures, (ii) NDC of U.S. will be very severe, unless effective bills for emission reductions in addition to CPP (Clean Power Plan) are enacted. In this way, there are many cost-increasing factors in the real world, and their impact seems to be large. Furthermore, there are concerns about increased risk of the climate change issues related to economic downturn due to large climate change mitigation costs. It is important to promote internationally concordant emission reduction efforts and aim at technology innovation for drastic climate mitigation cost reductions.
机译:根据IPCC WG1AR5,人类活动极有可能是20世纪中叶以后观测到的全球变暖的主要原因(概率为95%至100%)。我们认为气候变化充满不确定性,我们专注于缓解气候变化的成本以及各种影响使用全球能源系统模型DNE21 +模型对现实世界中的成本约束进行了定量分析。(1)考虑到《巴黎协定》下国家自主贡献的国民生产总值的全球GDP减排成本估计为0.38%。该成本比全球最低成本策略高6.5倍(2)对于日本和美国,进行了一些考虑政府和社会限制能源结构的案例研究。案例研究表明(i)日本的NDC可能很大(ii)美国的国家数据中心(NDC)将非常严厉,除非颁布除CPP(清洁能源计划)之外的有效的减排法案。 e是现实世界中许多增加成本的因素,它们的影响似乎很大。巨大的担忧是,由于减轻气候变化的代价巨大,与经济衰退有关的气候变化问题的风险增加了。国际上协调一致的减排努力,旨在通过技术创新大幅降低气候变化的成本。


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    佐野史典; 秋元圭吾;

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    (公财)地球環境産業技術研究機構(RITE)システム研究グループ 〒619-0292京都府木津川市木津川台9-2;

    (公财)地球環境産業技術研究機構(RITE)システム研究グループ 〒619-0292京都府木津川市木津川台9-2;

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