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Dietary Intake and Content of Cu Mn Fe and Zn in Selected Cereal Products Marketed in Poland




This paper aims to verify whether cereal products are a good source of Cu, Mn, Fe, and Zn in the diets of Poles. The study material comprised of 445 cereal products including baked goods, breakfast cereals and groats, pasta, and rice. Products that required culinary treatment (pasta, groats, rice) were boiled in drinking quality water as recommended by the producer. The content of Cu, Mn, Fe, and Zn was determined by using the FAAS method. The average content of microelements in the analyzed products can be represented as Fe (17.9 mg kg−1 ± 10.3) > Zn (12.4 mg kg−1 ± 5.2) > Mn (9.6 mg kg−1 ± 6.7) > Cu (3.9 mg kg−1 ± 2.9). Considering the daily requirement of the analyzed minerals among adult Poles, it was determined that cereal products supply 58% RDA Cu, 61% AI Mn (men)–78% AI Mn (women), 19% RDA Fe (women)–34% RDA Fe (men), and 16% RDA Zn (men)–22% RDA Fe (women). Baked goods account for as much as about 90% of all Cu, Mn, Fe, and Zn consumed as cereal products in a daily diet. Based on the results, it can be concluded that cereal products are the main source of Cu, Mn, Fe, and Zn in the diets of Poles. In connection with low assimilability of minerals, they should not be considered the fundamental source of those microelements in the diets of Poles.
机译:本文旨在验证谷物产品在波兰人的饮食中是否是铜,锰,铁和锌的良好来源。研究材料包括445种谷物产品,包括烘焙食品,早餐谷物和去壳谷物,面食和大米。按照生产者的建议,将需要烹饪处理的产品(面食,去壳,大米)在饮用水中煮沸。铜,锰,铁和锌的含量采用FAAS法测定。被分析产品中微量元素的平均含量可以表示为Fe(17.9 mg kg -1 ±10.3)> Zn(12.4 mg kg -1 ±5.2)> Mn (9.6 mg kg -1 ±6.7)> Cu(3.9 mg kg -1 ±2.9)。考虑到成年波兰人每日分析矿物质的需求,确定谷物产品供应58%RDA铜,61%AI Mn(男性)–78%AI Mn(女性),19%RDA Fe(女性)–34% RDA Fe(男性)和16%RDA Zn(男性)– 22%RDA Fe(女性)。在日常饮食中,烘焙食品占谷物产品消耗的所有铜,锰,铁和锌的约90%。根据这些结果,可以得出结论,谷物产品是波兰人饮食中Cu,Mn,Fe和Zn的主要来源。考虑到矿物质的低同化性,不应将它们视为波兰人饮食中这些微量元素的基本来源。



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