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The impact of iodine supplementation and bread fortification on urinary iodine concentrations in a mildly iodine deficient population of pregnant women in South Australia




Mild iodine deficiency during pregnancy can have significant effects on fetal development and future cognitive function. The purpose of this study was to characterise the iodine status of South Australian women during pregnancy and relate it to the use of iodine-containing multivitamins. The impact of fortification of bread with iodized salt was also assessed. Women (n = 196) were recruited prospectively at the beginning of pregnancy and urine collected at 12, 18, 30, 36 weeks gestation and 6 months postpartum. The use of a multivitamin supplement was recorded at each visit. Spot urinary iodine concentrations (UIC) were assessed. Median UICs were within the mildly deficient range in women not taking supplements (<90 μg/L). Among the women taking iodine-containing multivitamins UICs were within WHO recommendations (150–249 μg/L) for sufficiency and showed an increasing trend through gestation. The fortification of bread with iodized salt increased the median UIC from 68 μg/L to 84 μg/L (p = .011) which was still in the deficient range. Pregnant women in this region of Australia were unlikely to reach recommended iodine levels without an iodine supplement, even after the mandatory iodine supplementation of bread was instituted in October 2009.
机译:怀孕期间轻度缺碘会对胎儿的发育和未来的认知功能产生重大影响。这项研究的目的是表征怀孕期间南澳大利亚妇女的碘状况,并将其与含碘的多种维生素的使用联系起来。还评估了用碘盐强化面包的影响。在怀孕开始时前瞻性招募女性(n = 196),并在妊娠12、18、30、36周和产后6个月收集尿液。每次访问时记录多种维生素补充剂的使用。评估了尿中的碘浓度(UIC)。不服用补品的女性中位数UIC处于轻度不足的范围内(<90μg/ L)。在服用含碘的多种维生素的妇女中,UICs在WHO的推荐范围内(150–249μg/ L)在充足性范围内,并且通过妊娠呈上升趋势。用碘盐强化面包使UIC的中值从68μg/ L增加到84μg/ L(p = .011),但仍在不足的范围内。即使在2009年10月开始强制性补充面包面包之后,澳大利亚这个地区的孕妇也不大可能达到建议的碘水平,而无需补充碘。



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