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Enhancing Secondary School Instruction and Student Achievement: Replication and Extension of the My Teaching Partner-Secondary Intervention




My Teaching Partner-Secondary (MTP-S) is a web-mediated coaching intervention, which an initial randomized trial, primarily in middle schools, found to improve teacher–student interactions and student achievement. Given the dearth of validated teacher development interventions showing consistent effects, we sought to both replicate and extend these findings with a modified version of the program in a predominantly high school population, and in a more urban, sociodemographically diverse school district. MTP-S produced substantial gains in student achievement across 86 secondary school classrooms involving 1,194 students. Gains were robust across subject areas and equivalent to moving the average student from the 50th to the 59th percentile in achievement scores. Results suggest that MTP-S can enhance student outcomes across diverse settings and implementation modalities.
机译:我的中学教学伙伴(MTP-S)是一种网络介导的教练干预,主要在中学阶段进行了一项初步的随机试验,发现该试验可以改善师生互动和学生的学习成绩。鉴于缺乏经过验证的教师发展干预措施能显示出一致的效果,我们试图在主要是高中人口和城市人口统计学上更为多样化的学区中使用该计划的修改版来复制和扩展这些发现。 MTP-S在涉及1,194名学生的86个中学教室中,使学生的学习成绩显着提高。各个学科领域的收益都很强劲,相当于将普通学生的成就分数从第50个百分点提高到第59个百分点。结果表明,MTP-S可以在不同的环境和实施方式下提高学生的学习成绩。



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