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Study of the Histology of Leafy Axes and Male Cones of Glenrosa carentonensis sp. nov. (Cenomanian Flints of Charente-Maritime France) Using Synchrotron Microtomography Linked with Palaeoecology

机译:Glenrosa carentonensis sp。的叶轴和雄性锥的组织学研究。十一月(法国滨海夏朗德省的西诺曼尼亚毛刺)使用同步加速器显微断层扫描术与古生态学联系



We report exceptionally well-preserved plant remains ascribed to the extinct conifer Glenrosa J. Watson et H.L. Fisher emend. V. Srinivasan inside silica-rich nodules from the Cenomanian of the Font-de-Benon quarry, Charente-Maritime, western France. Remains are preserved in three dimensions and mainly consist of fragmented leafy axes. Pollen cones of this conifer are for the first time reported and in some cases remain connected to leafy stems. Histology of Glenrosa has not previously been observed; here, most of internal tissues and cells are well-preserved and allow us to describe a new species, Glenrosa carentonensis sp. nov., using propagation phase-contrast X-ray synchrotron microtomography, a non-destructive technique. Leafy axes consist of characteristic helically arranged leaves bearing stomatal crypts. Glenrosa carentonensis sp. nov. differs from the other described species in developing a phyllotaxy 8/21, claw-shaped leaves, a thicker cuticle, a higher number of papillae and stomata per crypt. Pollen cones consist of peltate, helically arranged microsporophylls, each of them bearing 6–7 pollen sacs. The new high resolution tomographic approach tested here allows virtual palaeohistology on plants included inside a dense rock to be made. Most tissues of Glenrosa carentonensis sp. nov. are described. Lithological and palaeontological data combined with xerophytic features of Glenrosa carentonensis sp. nov. suggest that this conifer has been adapted to survive in harsh and instable environments such as coastal area exposed to hot, dry conditions.
机译:我们报告保存异常良好的植物遗骸归因于已灭绝的针叶树Glenrosa J.Watson等人。 V. Srinivasan位于法国西部滨海夏朗德省Font-de-Benon采石场的塞诺曼人的富含二氧化硅的结核中。残骸保存在三个维度上,主要由零散的叶轴组成。首次报道了该针叶树的花粉锥,在某些情况下仍与叶状茎相连。格伦罗萨的组织学以前没有被观察到。在这里,大多数内部组织和细胞都保存完好,可以让我们描述一个新种Glenrosa carentonensis sp。十一月,使用传播相衬X射线同步加速器显微断层照相术,一种无损技术。叶轴由带有气孔隐窝的典型螺旋状排列的叶子组成。 Glenrosa carentonensis sp。十一月与其他描述物种的不同之处在于,每个隐窝发育叶序8/21,爪形叶子,较厚的表皮,更多的乳头和气孔。花粉锥由带叶状的螺旋状排列的微孢子叶素组成,每个叶柄上有6-7个花粉囊。在此测试的新高分辨率层析成像方法允许在密实岩石中包含的植物上进行虚拟古组织学研究。 Glenrosa carentonensis sp。的大多数组织。十一月描述。岩性和古生物学数据与格伦罗莎卡伦顿菌的旱生特征相结合。十一月这表明该针叶树适合在恶劣而不稳定的环境中生存,例如暴露在炎热,干燥条件下的沿海地区。



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