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Moral Combat in An Enemy of the People: Public Health versus Private Interests




Dr Thomas Stockmann, the protagonist of Ibsen's play, An Enemy of the People, discovers a serious health threat in the Baths of his Norwegian town. The Baths have been marketed as a health resort to lure visitors. Dr Stockmann alerts officials about the problem and assumes that they will close the Baths until it is corrected. He is met with fierce resistance, however. His brother, the town's mayor, favors keeping the Baths open and correcting the problem gradually. He advances multiple arguments that appeal to the economic interests of the town and Thomas's role-related obligation as a citizen. His wife, Katherine, wants him to cooperate with the mayor. She marshals several arguments that appeal to his obligations as a father. This paper reconstructs and examines the competing arguments, shows how Ibsen's play has both contemporary relevance and moral depth, and demonstrates how Dr Stockmann's responses can be interpreted as an argument that complying with his duties to protect the public health do not force him to renege on his core commitments as a parent and as a citizen.
机译:易卜生戏剧《人民的敌人》的主人公托马斯·斯托克曼博士在他的挪威小镇的浴场中发现了严重的健康威胁。浴场被作为疗养胜地进行销售,以吸引游客。 Stockmann博士提醒官员注意该问题,并假设他们将关闭浴池,直到纠正为止。但是,他遭到了强烈的抵抗。他的兄弟(镇上的市长)赞成保持浴场开放并逐步解决问题。他提出了多种论点,这些论点吸引了该镇的经济利益以及托马斯作为公民的与角色有关的义务。他的妻子凯瑟琳(Katherine)希望他与市长合作。她整理了一些论点,这些论点吸引了他作为父亲的义务。本文重构并研究了相互竞争的论点,展示了易卜生的戏剧如何既具有当代意义又具有道德深度,并展示了斯托克曼博士的反应如何被解释为一个论点,即履行其保护公共卫生的职责不会迫使他背叛他作为父母和公民的核心承诺。



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