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Spatially-integrated estimates of net ecosystem exchange and methane fluxes from Canadian peatlands




BackgroundPeatlands are an important component of Canada’s landscape, however there is little information on their national-scale net emissions of carbon dioxide [Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE)] and methane (CH4). This study compiled results for peatland NEE and CH4 emissions from chamber and eddy covariance studies across Canada. The data were summarized by bog, poor fen and rich-intermediate fen categories for the seven major peatland containing terrestrial ecozones (Atlantic Maritime, Mixedwood Plains, Boreal Shield, Boreal Plains, Hudson Plains, Taiga Shield, Taiga Plains) that comprise > 96% of all peatlands nationally. Reports of multiple years of data from a single site were averaged and different microforms (e.g., hummock or hollow) within these peatland types were kept separate. A new peatlands map was created from forest composition and structure information that distinguishes bog from rich and poor fen. National Forest Inventory k-NN forest structure maps, bioclimatic variables (mean diurnal range and seasonality of temperatures) and ground surface slope were used to construct the new map. The Earth Observation for Sustainable Development map of wetlands was used to identify open peatlands with minor tree cover.
机译:背景泥炭地是加拿大景观的重要组成部分,但是,关于其全国范围内的二氧化碳[Net Ecosystem Exchange(NEE)]和甲烷(CH4)净排放量的信息很少。这项研究汇总了整个加拿大的室内和涡流协方差研究的泥炭地NEE和CH4排放结果。数据包括沼泽地,劣芬和中浓芬的类别进行了汇总,这些类别包括> 96%的七个陆地生态区(大西洋海域,混合伍德平原,北方盾,北方平原,哈德逊平原,大加盾,大加平原)。全国所有泥炭地。将来自单个站点的多年数据报告进行平均,并将这些泥炭地类型中的不同微缩模型(例如,山岗或空心)分开存放。根据森林组成和结构信息创建了一个新的泥炭地地图,该地图将沼泽与贫富区分开来。使用国家森林清单k-NN森林结构图,生物气候变量(平均日范围和温度的季节性)和地表坡度来构建新图。湿地的《地球可持续发展观察》地图被用来识别树木被覆盖的开阔的泥炭地。



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