首页> 中文期刊> 《思想战线》 >刻板印象与老年歧视: 一项有关公益海报设计的研究

刻板印象与老年歧视: 一项有关公益海报设计的研究



公益海报常被用于社会动员,海报中的视觉呈现是一种社会印象的集中体现.四川美术学院曾举办过三次以关爱老年人为主题的高校学生公益海报设计创意大赛,以600多幅获奖和提名获奖作品为素材,可以集中讨论老年人形象的视觉化呈现.经定量和定性分析发现,以负面消极的老年人形象和悲惨生活境遇作为艺术表现方式的海报占这些作品的大多数,而以正面积极和健康阳光的老年人形象作为创意手段的作品十分缺乏.这一发现说明,刻板印象极大地影响着海报设计者对老年人和老龄化过程的理解,同时也说明即便以悲悯情怀为依托的老年人形象塑造,也会受制于认知的片面性,从而有可能为偏见的蔓延和歧视的滋生提供条件.由此引发出一个深刻并具有广泛意义的警示,即是关爱老年人的社会行动,虽然需要深切地关注老年人的生活困境和身心健康问题,但不能以放弃积极老龄化的必要性作为代价.%Public service posters are used for social mobilization, and the visual representations in the posters are a mirror of social impressions.By examining ageism in more than 600 care-for-senior-people posters created by college students for three poster art competitions, this paper takes a close look at the visual representations of the images of the elderly in the posters.Qualitative and quantitative analyses have shown that most of those posters take as their major form of artistic expression the negative images of the elderly and their miserable life and only a few posters base their artistic creation on positive images of healthy and sunny senior people.These findings suggest that stereotypes have greatly affected the poster designers' understanding of the senior people and the aging process.Those findings also indicate that even the pitiful images of the elderly have been constrained by partial knowledge, likely to create conditions for spreading prejudice and fostering discrimination against the elderly.An important caution from the research is that care-for-the-elderly social action should show deep concern for the life predicament of the elderly and their mental health but should not do so at the cost of denying the possibility of active agingand the personhood of senior citizens.



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