首页> 中文期刊> 《北方论丛》 >东北沦陷区殖民统治下的强权文化机制论说




日本侵略者在其14年的殖民统治中,虽然完成了政治、经济方面的再疆域化,但文化的再疆域化并非那么容易。由于日本族群地理形态的影响及其对单一身份的认同观念,使日本军国主义向外扩张、侵略他族时,也企图用其暴力文化观念和单一身份认同,以及制定一系列的强权文化机制改变其统治下的中华民族多元文化系统,这就必然会在殖民/被殖民、统治/被统治之间产生极大的偏差与对抗。在侵略者对东北沦陷区文化再疆域化过程中,中华民族多元共生的文化传统和兼容并蓄的文化精神,为东北沦陷区的广大民众抵抗日本侵略者的强权文化机制提供了强大的支持力量,使侵略者的文化殖民最终以失败告终。%The foundation of Manchukuo on March 3rd, 1932 made Northeast China a Japanese colony.During colonial rule, the Japanese colonists carried out policies of comprehensive deterritorialization and redeterritorialization in this area in politics , economics and culture.In culture, they held an idea of cultural identification typified by single identity , which had been formed under the influ-ence of their own geographical environment and cultural traditions .The Japanese colonists attempted to convert the aboriginal multicul-tural system of the colonized area with this idea .They achieved their aim of redeterritorialization in fields like politics and economics , but failed in cultural reform.On the contrary, because of the power of Chinese traditional culture and the aboriginal appeal for spiritu-al freedom, the implement of forced cultural assimilation triggered fierce resistance from aborigines in Manchukuo and even masses of the whole nation.



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