首页> 中文期刊> 《老龄科学研究》 >人口老龄化社会中原生家庭的维系与裂变--以2010年7省(区)调查数据为基础




长期低生育水平和老龄化加速的人口环境下,原生家庭的维系和裂变发生了明显改变。以2010年全国7省、自治区调查数据为分析基础,考察了原生家庭的维系和裂变。结果发现:(1)原生家庭的维系力量在弱化;(2)原生家庭的裂变方式中亲子分爨情况增多而兄弟分家情况减少,多子家庭和独子家庭的裂变方式差别明显,人口结构变动对原生家庭裂变方式变化有重要影响;(3)农村因子女外出工作而分爨的比例最大,而城市分爨原因主要是由于子女结婚。原生家庭维系与裂变的变化对代际关系、家庭福利和老年人的晚年生活都将产生深刻影响。%A series of changes occurred in the maintaining and separation of family of origin in the population with low fertility and rapid aging. Based on a survey on 7 provinces in 2010, the findings are as follows. Firstly, as time goes by, the power of maintaining family of origin is weaken. Secondly, the separation between parents and adult children is increasing while the separation between adult sons is decreasing. Thirdly, leaving home for work is the most important reason why rural adult children leave the family while getting married is the most important one for urban adult children. Lastly, the maintaining and separation of family of origin have signiifcant impact on intergenerational relations, family welfare and elderly’s life.



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