首页> 中文期刊> 《齐鲁学刊》 >基于社会性别视角的魏晋南北朝志怪小说女性形象分析




A unique theme often appeared in supernatural fictions during Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties of China:a man who met fairies,ghosts or Goddess by chance tended to have romantic relationship with them and then got married. However,their marriage would not last long and ended with the departure of the man.As a reflection of their philandering psy-chologies and abandoning the old for the young of both male scholars and underclass males,female images in those fictions were always perfect as being beautiful,gentle and affectionate,talented and versatile,a far cry from the true female images in that war era.Furthermore,it was also closely related to the background of Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties of China, namely,decline of Confucianism,rise of Metaphysics,prevalence of Taoism and the popular culture of termagancy and jealous-y of women.%魏晋南北朝时期的志怪小说中有这样一类独特的主题,即男子与偶然结识的女仙、女鬼或女神发生艳遇,结成秦晋之好.但这种关系持续的时间很短,往往以男子的离去而宣告结束.这类故事中的女性均年轻美貌,温柔多情,多才多艺,既近乎完美又不食人间烟火,与当时战乱频仍社会中的现实女性形象相去甚远.这种女性形象的出现是男性文人或者是男人喜新厌旧的猎艳心态和社会底层男性心理渴望的体现,也与魏晋南北朝时期儒家文化式微、玄学兴起、道教传播广泛,以及妇女悍妒风气流行等社会文化背景有密切的关系.



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