首页> 中文期刊> 《大众科技》 >从百色市2007年猪“高热病”疫情看动物疫病防控存在问题及对策




The study was undertaken to analyze the epidemiological survey on"high fever"in Baise 2007 and to discuss the existing problems in the process of animal disease prevention and control, which was in order to provide a basis for countermeasures. Methods:Statistical analysis was performed on the epidemic data and laboratory test results in Baise 2007. Results:The pig"high fever"in Baise 2007, characterized by concentrated epidemic area, dissemination speed, infection at any age, and high morbidity and mortality, was an exogenous disease and was caused mainly by highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus mixed with other etiology. The reason for spread of the disease probably was insufficient emergency technology, ineffective control measures, and low mass vaccination awareness. Conclusion: The effective prevention and treatment measures for animal diseases includes scientific disposal of epidemic situation, strengthening the disinfection, reinforced immunization, powerful inspection, and so on.%目的:通过对我市2007年生猪“高热病”疫情流行特征及流行相关因素进行分析,探讨动物疫病防制过程中存在的问题,并提出防治对策。方法:对2007年我市生猪“高热病”疫情资料以及当年实验室检测结果进行统计分析。结果:我市生猪“高热病”是外源性疫源传入,以高致病性猪蓝耳病病毒感染为主并混合感染多种病原引起;疫情区域相对集中、疫点呈点状散发、疫情传染速度快、各种日龄猪均可发病和死亡、发病率和病死率高为特征;疫病应急技术贮备不足、防控措施落实不到位、群众防疫意识低等原因导致疫情迅速扩散。结论:科学处置疫情、加强消毒灭源、强化免疫接种、加大防疫监管等综合措施是有效的防治对策。



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