首页> 中文期刊>中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版) >中国海域习见石斑鱼属鱼类矢耳石形态特征




以采自中国海域12种石斑鱼标本为基础,分析了石斑鱼属(Epine phelus)鱼类的矢耳石形态特征,探讨了耳石形态在该属鱼种识别方面的应用.结果显示,12种鱼类矢耳石形态近似,耳石细长,呈三角形或梭形,由听沟开口处形成的前部凹刻"V"形或浅宽,形成显著或不显著的侧叶,12种鱼耳石长宽比1.76~2.41,矩形趋近率0.60~0.72,充实度17.24~36.58.耳石外部轮廓、边缘光滑度、听沟前部形态、凹刻类型等特征同是本属鱼种耳石形态识别的主要依据,基于傅里叶系数的聚类分析结果表明耳石形态种间分异较显著.结果表明,听沟同是石斑鱼属鱼类耳石形态分类的重要特征之一.根据耳石形态可以实现石斑包属鱼种的初步分类检索,耳石形态在鱼类系统分类上有良好的应用研究前景.%Based on 48 samples of twelve fishes of genus Epinephelus collected in China Sea, morphological characters of the sagittal otoliths were analyzed, and application of otolith shape in identification of fishes was studied. The otolith shape was similar for the twelve species, which were triangular or spindleshaped, and slender. The front notch of the sulcus was “V”-shaped or shallow wide, formatted significant or not significant rostrum and antirostrum. Otoliths had aspect ratio of 1.76~2.41, rectangularity of 0. 60 to 0. 72 and circularity of 17.24~36.58 for twelve fishes. Otolith external contour, the degree of edge smoothness, the shape of the sulcus and notch type were main criteria for species identification,which were also proved by results of cluster analysis based on Fourier coefficients. The results indicted that the sulcus acusticus shape was one of the important characters of otoliths morphological classification of genus Epinephelus, and a systemic taxonomy was designed for twelve fishes according to the otolith shape. Otoliths morphology had a good prospect on application in fish systematic.



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