首页> 中文期刊> 《走向世界》 >曲山艺海闻韶箫




王小玉便启朱唇,发皓齿,唱了几句书儿。声音初不甚大,只觉入耳有说不出来的妙境:五脏六腑里,像熨斗熨过,无一处不伏贴;三万六千个毛孔,像吃了人参果,无一个毛孔不畅快。唱了十数句之后,渐渐的越唱越高,忽然拔了一个尖儿,像一线钢丝抛入天际,不禁暗暗叫绝。那知他于那极高的地方,尚能回环转折。几啭之后,又高一层,接连有三四叠,节节高起。%0n a sleepless night traveling in Korea, my mind stretched back to Jinan, the city echoed with thewonderful Qinshu performance as described in "The Travels of Lao Can". I attempted to recapture the sound of the music of Jinan, dwelling in the joy of the flourishing art forms of the city with Lao Can. Bronze statues standing prominently on Furong Street in Quancheng Road show the scene that a young female performer is singing smilingly in an elegant manner with props in hand, enchanting her audience deeply and even the servant completely forgets the overflowing cup in his fascination with what she is singing, which is a vivid representation of "beauty singing by the lake" in the second chapter of "The Travels of Lao Can" written by Liu E.



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