


现在各主要国家都已在2015年巴黎协定上签字,致力于大幅度较少CO2排放量的具体行动正在展开。其中最可行的方案是实现从化石燃料向可再生能源和其他产生CO2较少的能源进行转变。从定量的角度来说,除了生产生物能源的可能性外,空间并不是这一能源转变的关键因素。但从定性的角度来说,空间将以“景观”作为外衣成为这一转变是否能够成功的关键战场。一个问题一开始看似是直观的技术问题,(也)是一个文化问题,应该得到相应的解决。空间规划和设计师可以在这里发挥重要的作用。本论文基于两个通过设计进行研究的近期案例。鹿特丹的例子是与当地的利益相关者一同努力为2014年《景观与能源》一书的出版完成所启动的。这个以土地为导向的案例得到了另一个位于北海项目的补充,后者所构想的未来能源景观是《2050:一次能源旅行》这一IABR-2016项目的组成部分。特别是最后一个案例,不仅证明了风景园林可以在能源节省上发挥作用,也证明了通过设计进行研究是在政策制定方面的非常强有力的工具途径。%Now that the most important countries ratified the Paris agreement of 2015 concrete actions are gaining momentum to drasticaly reduce the CO2 -emissions. The most promising way to do so is a transition from fossil fuels to renewables and other CO2 poor sources. In a quantitative way space is not on the critical path in this transition, with a possible exception of producing biomass. In qualitative terms, in its guise as ‘landscape’ though, space wil be the battle ground where the transition wil be lost or won. What at first seems a rather straightforward technical problem is (also) a cultural problem, and should be dealt with accordingly. Spatial planning and design could play an important role here. This thesis is founded by two cases, both recent research-through-design projects. The Rotterdam case is produced with local stakeholders for the 2014 ‘Landscape and Energy’ book publication. This land-oriented case is complemented by a project on the seascape of the North Sea as a future energy landscape in the IABR-2016 project 2050: An Energetic Odyssey. Especialy the last case not only justifies the conclusion that landscape architecture can play a role but also that research-by-design is a strong instrument to help in policy making.



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