首页> 中文期刊> 《玉林师范学院学报》 >“时间是一座环形的监狱”--从《普宁》的叙事结构看纳博科夫的时间观




For Nabokov, time is a circle prison, with an exit. Every one of us is trapped in the prison of time. Neither can we go back to the past, nor can we reach the future. This unique view of time is fully reflected in his novelPnin. By aid of a “Duoble Helix” narrative structure and the helix images scattered in the novel text, Nabokov delivers his philosophic thinking about time and reality to his readers: the reality is unsurpassable; the past has perished; the future is dismal.%在纳博科夫看来,时间是一座环形的监狱,而且没有出路。每个人都受困于现时之狱,既无法回到过去,更不能通达未来。纳博科夫独特的现实时间观在小说《普宁》中得到了最佳诠释。借助小说“双螺旋体”叙事结构,依托小说人物以及散落在文本各处的螺旋意象,纳博科夫表达了其对于时间命题的哲学思考:过去可以重现,现在无法超越,将来虚无飘渺。



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