首页> 中文期刊>烟台大学学报(自然科学与工程版) >山东半岛南部三疣梭子蟹放流前后渔业生物群落结构初步分析




Based on the data from bottom trawl surveys before and after larva releasing for stock enhancement, the fishery community structure of Portunus trituberctdatus in the releasing areas in southern Shandong peninsula is ana-lyzed using multivariate statistical software PRIMER5. 0 including cluster, non-metric multi-dimensional scaling ( MDS) , analysis of similarity, and abundance biomass comparison( ABC) curve. The results show that the relea-sing does not lead to obvious difference (R=0. 073, P>0. 05) in community structure, while the dominant spe-cies change after releasing. Crustaceans become the dominant species and the critical factors in community group-ing. Whereas the diversity index of the fishery community has no change. The ABC curves show that enhancement and fish migratory could improve the quality of community structure, but the effect is limited in a short term.%根据2012年三疣梭子蟹放流前后的渔业资源调查数据,借助大型多元统计软件PRIMER的聚类分析、多维排序尺度、相似性分析以及生物量丰度曲线分析功能,对山东半岛南部各放流海湾渔业生物群落结构进行了分析.结果表明,在调查时间段内,山东半岛南部海域渔业生物群落结构差异不明显(R=0.073,P>0.05),各放流海湾的群落优势种在放流以后发生改变,以甲壳类为优势种主体,并成为组群划分的决定性因素,但群落的多样性指数基本不变;丰度生物量比较( ABC )曲线的变化表明,增殖放流以及鱼群洄游虽然对群落结构的变化产生了一定影响,但作用有限.



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