首页> 中文期刊> 《西安工业大学学报》 >《三国志演义》影视改编的互文策略




New vitality of classical novels in the modern context is closely related to readers using the strategy of intextuality in the process of their reading .In the film adaptation of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms ,its scriptwriters express their understanding and use of intertextuality in many ways . They refresh the audience's collective memory through extra information ;they cater to the audience's aesthetic needs through retw riting plots and characters ;and they project the audience's emotion in the film by overthrowing the original themes .This paper argues that intertextuality is the basic way for film adaptation to interpret ancient classical novels in the complex contemporary cultural context ,and to look for a suitable contemporary interpretation of classical novels to resonate with the audience .%古代经典文学能够在当代语境中绽放新的生命力 ,与读者在经典接受过程中的互文解读关系甚密.在《三国志演义》改编影视剧作中 ,主创者以多种方式实现了对互文策略的理解和运用:通过信息增值唤醒观众的集体记忆 ;通过情节改写、人物重塑迎合特定观众的审美需求和接受期待;通过颠覆主题以投射观众的现实情感 .这些方式也为我们重新理解文本提供了广阔视野.在小说的古典情节中寻求合理的当代阐释 ,通过互文策略实现古今对话 ,是众多影视编剧面对名著的基本改编思路.



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