首页> 中文期刊> 《西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 >生态批评视阈下19世纪英国文学经典中的城市文明演进




From the nature writings of romanticism,the“wilderness”works of the Brontё sisters,the country novels of Jane Austen,the city of sin or vanity fair in Dickens’s and Thackeray’s,the sharp con-trast of the urban and rural life in Hardy’s works,to the spiritual nature and the city demanding innova-tion in Oscar Wilde’s tales,the 19th-century British classic literature,containing the connotation of e-cology,reveals that with the promotion of industrial revolution,the urban civilization,competing against the rural life full of ecological balance,experiences the whole process of being resisted,criticized,doub-ted,and then received partially with ideas of innovation. Hence,the contradictions and conflicts between urban civilization and ecology are clearly displayed and the ultimate quest for the harmonious development and coexistence of urbanization and ecology is vividly expressed.%在自然生态的强烈比照之下,从浪漫主义的“自然”写作;勃朗特姐妹的“荒原”文学、简·奥斯丁的乡村桃源;狄更斯、萨克雷等小说家笔下的罪恶之都或名利场;哈代小说中乡村与城市的对立生活,再到王尔德童话故事里的灵性自然与亟待革新的“城市”,19世纪英国文学中的这些经典逐一呈现了工业革命助长下,城市文明在与充满自然生态的乡村生活的博弈中,经历了被抗拒、批判、质疑,再到被接受中求革新的全过程。这些作品呈现了城市文明与环境生态的矛盾与冲突,同时体现了要求二者和谐共生的终极诉求。



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