首页> 中文期刊>四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >“民惟邦本”:政治的民本含义--孟子民本之学的政治哲学阐释




中国民本思想的传统源远流长,“民惟邦本,本固邦宁”一语集中表达了这样一种政治理念,即把人民视为邦国的根本,把政治视为固本安邦的神圣事业。民本思想发展至孟子,可以说得到了理论上最为成熟、系统而全面的阐发。孟子从民本的立场对于政治本质或政治事务的根本特性有着深刻的理解,他把政治看作是一项实现人民的真正意愿和保障民生需要的人类事业,而所谓的君、王以及王道仁政都只不过是实现这一根本政治目的的手段和方法而已。%China has a long-lasting tradition of people-oriented thought.A clear expression is the statement that People are the foundation of state and the state is stable only when the foundation is firm . Mencius has given a most mature systematic and comprehensive explanation of the people-oriented thoughts. This paper argues that Mencius from this perspective has a deep understanding of the nature of politics or fundamental characteristics of political affairs.Mencius sees politics as a realization of the genuine will of the people and as a human endeavor to safeguard the livelihood of the people and the monarch the king and the policy of benevolence or benevolent government are only the means and methods to achieve this fundamental political purpose.



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