首页> 中文期刊>实用口腔医学杂志 >骨性Ⅰ类不同垂直骨面型成人上气道的三维测量分析




目的:比较骨性I类不同垂直骨面型成人鼻咽、腭咽、舌咽气道大小的差异,探讨上气道不同部位与颅面部骨骼形态的关系.方法:将60名成人患者按GoGn-SN角大小分为性别、年龄相匹配的高角、均角、低角3种骨性I类垂直骨面型组.进行颅面部锥体束计算机断层扫描(CBCT),对鼻咽、腭咽、舌咽气道的矢状径、横径、长度、截面积以及容积测量分析,比较3组间的差异,并对鼻咽、腭咽、舌咽气道大小与颅面部骨骼形态的相关性进行研究.结果:骨性I类同一垂直骨面型组不同性别间ETP-L、ETP-S、低角组GP-V、高角组GP-V存在统计学差异;骨性I类不同垂直骨面型组间ETP-L、UTP-S、ETP-S、PP-V、GP-V、V总存在统计学差异,低角组最大,高角组最小;不同垂直骨面型患者EP-L、UTP-S、ETP-S、PPV、GPV、V总与GoGn-SN角存在负相关关系.结论:骨性I类同一垂直骨面型男女间上气道ETP-L、ETP-S、低角组GP-V、高角组GP-V差别显著;骨性Ⅰ类不同垂直生长型的成人患者腭咽、舌咽气道存在较大差别,可能与其垂直生长型不同有关.%Objective: To compare the upper airway dimensions of adult skeletal Class I patients with different vertical patterns,and to investigate correlations between the airway dimensions and the maxillofacial variables. Methods: 60 skeletal Class I patients aged 18 to 35 years were divided into 3 age and sex matched groups (high angle, mean angle and low angle) based on their GoGn-SN angles. 3-dimensional airway volumes and cross-sectional areas and lengths were measured by using cone-beam computed tomography( CBCT) scans. Airway lengths, volumes and cross-sectional measurements were compared among the 3 groups. Correlation of nasopharynx, pal-atopharynx and oropharynx airway dimensions with the maxillofacial variables was analysed. Results: Between male and female there was statistical difference in ETP-L, ETP-S, GP-V in low and high angle groups. There was statistical difference in ETP-L, ETP-S, GP-V, ETP-S, PP-V and V total among 3 groups. Among different vertical skeletal type groups, there was statistical difference in pal-atopharynx and oropharynx airway, but no in nasopharynx airway. The palatopharynx and oropharynx airway dimensions negatively correlated with GoGn-SN angle,and had no correlation with ANB angle. Conclusion: In skeletal Class I adults with different vertical types,there are statistical differences in palatopharynx and oropharynx airway dimensions, which might due to different vertical growth type.



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