首页> 中文期刊> 《石油化工高等学校学报》 >基于GIS的数字油库培训系统研究与开发




石油库的主要工作对象是易燃、易爆的原油、成品油等,工艺流程复杂,失误操作的后果比较严重.传统的培训模式限制多,危险程度较大,员工看不到操作与其对应参数的内在关系,较难建立理论与实践之间的联系.基于GIS的数字油库培训系统的构建,能有效弥补传统模式的不足,利用B/S架构,在ArcGIS平台上进行开发,以SQL Server作为数据库管理平台,使传统培训与计算机技术相结合,实现数字油库三维可视化及培训考核大数据的可视化信息管理.实例表明,该系统实用性强,信息显示直观,具有较好的普适性,可为提升油库操作管理水平提供技术支撑.%The main work of oil depot is flammable and explosive oil and crude oil.The production process of the production system is complex and the result of false operation is serious.The traditional training mode of staff is limited, the risk is great, and the students can not see the operation and related parameters of the intrinsic relationship.So it is difficult to establish the relationship between theory and practice.The construction of digital oil depot training system based on GIS, can effectively compensate for the lack of the traditional model.Using B/S architecture and SQL server as the database platform, developed in the ArcGIS platform, making the traditional training combine with computer technology, 3D visualization of digital oil depot and the visual information management training and assessment of large data will be realized.The practical example shows that the system has strong practicability, intuitive information display, and has good universality, which provides technical support for improvement of operation and management level of oil depot.



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