首页> 中文期刊>南京林业大学学报(人文社会科学版) >孟子动物伦理思想探微——兼论庄子、孟子动物伦理思想的异同




探究孟子动物伦理思想,可得出其主要观点有:动物在人类社会中的地位决定于人类生存、发展的需要;是否经过道德教化是动物与人的区别所在;对待动物的态度是爱护,但无需上升到“仁”“德”和“亲”“爱”的高度;宰杀动物需要讲求不忍之心,而君子远庖厨是一种仁术;动物保护和管理对于环境具有经济、美学上的价值等。庄子和孟子的动物伦理思想具有较大的差异性,其中庄子借动物阐述自己的自由理想,可以看做是一种动物伦理的元哲学;而孟子借动物阐述自己的政治理想,可以看做是一种动物政治伦理学。%The main points of Mencius' animal ethics are: the status of animals in human society depends on the needs of human survival and development; differences between human and animal lie in moral cultivation; the attitude towards animals should be to protect, and there is no need to rise to the height of benevolence and love; a man of noble character should keep away from animal killing; protection of animals can bring economic and aesthetic value to the environment; etc. There are great differences in animal ethics between Zhuangzi and Mencius in that Zhuangzi explained his view of freedom through description of animals, which can be thought of as the meta-philosophy of animal ethics while Mencius used description of animals to explain his political view which can be thought of as a kind of animal political ethics.



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