首页> 中文期刊> 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 >墨子对礼乐传统的反思——兼论儒墨对礼乐态度的异同




礼在中华民族传统文化中占有重要地位。墨子熟悉儒家的礼乐传统典籍,对礼的态度与儒家有联系,更有明显区别。其联系在于他并不反对有益于治理社会的礼,其区别在于他主张节礼。他在反思西周礼乐传统的基础上,提出了包括"非乐""节葬"等主张在内的节礼思想。在社会剧烈变动的春秋时期,儒墨两家同样出于现实关怀而反思礼,却得出了不同的结论。儒家力主"克己复礼",回复西周礼乐之大统;墨家则反对一切繁文缛节,主张"背周从夏",走上了"节礼"的道路。%Li (etiquette) played a significant role in traditional Chinese culture. Familiar with Confucian texts, Mozi~s attitude towards Li had both similarities with and differences from Confucian's. Though not objecting to etiquette conducive to the social government, Mozi contended moderation of Li, which con- tained "objection of Yue (music)", and being moderate in funeral ceremony, etc. His theory on modera- tion of Li was based on introspection of Li and Yue tradition in the Western Zhou Dynasty. Despite similar introspection on reality, Confucianism and Mohism went on distinct paths in that period of social upheav- als. While Confucianism tried to regain social order by reemphasizing etiquette set up in the early Western Zhou Dynasty, Mohism opposed all kinds of unnecessary and overelaborate formalities, contending moder- ation of Li, hoping to draw back to thrifty way of life in ancient Xia Dynasty.



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