首页> 中文期刊> 《日语学习与研究》 >《宇津保物语》对“孝思想”的接受




The UtsuboMonogatari, or TaleoftheHollowTree, which tells a story about both a mystical harp and filial piety, is the earliest narrative in Japan and has had great effect on later Japanese literature. The author, as a noble person, shows signs of being influenced by the Confucian classics and the Buddhist scriptures which had been translated into Chinese, along with the guqin harp and the filial piety, and clearly attached great importance to the filial piety which is embodied in this work. Furthermore, the author regards filial piety as a universal value. Of course, coming from a different culture, the author also shows a slightly different understanding.%《宇津保物语》是日本最早的长篇物语,既是“琴”的物语,又是“孝”的物语,对后世的日本文学产生了很大的影响。作者受中国典籍和汉译佛教典籍的影响,直接将“琴”与“孝”联系起来,并将这种影响清晰地反映在了物语中。“孝”作为儒家思想最根本的道德条目之一,历来受到极大的重视。古代的日本贵族和知识分子受儒家思想的影响,同样很重视“孝”,甚至将“孝”看作不可动摇的普世价值;同时,又由于社会文化等的不同,对“孝”又有着独特的理解。



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