首页> 中文期刊>湖北第二师范学院学报 >游泳池恒温控制系统建模与仿真




本游泳池恒温控制系统选用AT89C51单片机作为控制器,利用PID和PWM技术实现对游泳池的水温控制。该控制系统主要由CPU主控制模块、主电源模块、键盘处理模块、温度采集模块、继电器控制模块及LED显示模块构成。DS18B20用来采集温度信号,其体积小,精度高,适用电压宽,抗干扰能力强。继电器控制两台电机的转动,分别对应控制热水阀和冷水阀,从而,实现水温的实时控制。最后,采用共阳极数码管LG5641A动态显示水温。%The constant temperature system for swimming pool is based on AT89C51 Single-chip Microcomputer,and it makes use of PID control theory and PWM technology to control the water temperature.The system is mainly composed of CPU control module,main power module,keyboard's processing module,the temperature's collection module,relay's control module and LED show module.The temperature signal can be collected by DS18B20 which has the merit of small volume,high accuracy,wide available voltage range and powerful ability to resist interference.The relays control rotation of motors which control the heating water or cold water valve to achieve real-time temperature control.Finally,the common anode LED LG5641A dynamically displays water temperature in swimming pool.



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