首页> 中文期刊> 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 >国际化背景下能力导向的管理学课程TCP三角教学模式研究




With an increasing growth in the globalization of economy and knowledge, the intellectual economy-domi- nated society requires much more of the higher-level management talents. Traditional classroom teaching is clearly no longer suitable for the undergraduates' management teaching today, and case teaching originating abroad does not either cater for the 'acclimatization' here for various problems. According to the characteristics of Management Course and capacity-oriented requirements in the context of internationalization, this paper introduces a TCP Triangular teaching model and illustrates its applications by taking as an example the course of Corporate Social Responsibility, in the hope of provide ideas for the reform of teaching method in Management Course.%随着经济和知识全球化的发展趋势日益加强,知识经济为主导的社会对于管理类人才提出更高层次的要求。传统课堂授课的教学方法显然不再适合今天本科管理学的教学,国外的案例教学法也因各种问题而水土不服。本文根据管理学课程的性质、特点及国际化背景下能力导向的要求,尝试提出TCP三角教学模式,并以企业社会责任一课为例对于TCP三角教学模式在管理学课程的应用进行了说明,以期为管理学的教学方法改革提供借鉴。



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