首页> 中文期刊> 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 >从教学翻译到翻译教学--汉译法教学创新探索




In the context of “Go Global” cultural strategy, there is a great need of Chinese-Foreign Languages transla-tors nowadays. It is essential to cultivate such professionals in China. This poses a daunting challenge for translation teaching in the university. However, “translation teaching” is always jumbled with “teaching translation” in teaching practice. So we should, as in the case of Chinese-French translation teaching, be clear about the curriculum orientation and try to train the stu-dents’ ability to grasp discursive meaning and establish equivalence of meaning, thus helping them form a professional habit. Only by realizing the transformation from teaching translation to translation teaching, can we improve on translation teaching and complete the task to dispatch professionals to our society.%在现阶段中国学术“走出去”的背景下,汉译外高级翻译人才的需求很大,国内对此类人才的培养显得尤为重要,这也给高校的翻译教学带来严峻的挑战。而在教学实践中,不乏将“翻译教学”与“教学翻译”混为一谈的情况。以汉译法的教学为例,应明确翻译教学的课程定位,致力于培养学生寻找篇章意义、建立意义对等的能力,并帮助他们养成良好的职业习惯。只有真正实现从教学翻译到翻译教学的转变,才能在翻译教学中取得良好的成效,完成向社会输送人才的使命。



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