首页> 中文期刊> 《广东第二师范学院学报》 >《续修四库全书总目》词籍提要与孙人和评“当代”词之得失




《续修四库全书总目》的集评类和词曲类中,全面辑录清中叶以降词籍,汲取晚清民国词籍整理成果,可贯联而成通史型解题目录,为现代词籍目录学的建构起了奠基作用。主要撰著者孙人和倡词之正体,反对广注典实的学人之词,以俗济雅,弥补“重拙大”体系中的难以自足之处。品评“当代”词作词论,自成一家之言,在民国词学学术史上具有不可轻忽的重要地位。%Xu Xiu Si Ku Quan Shu Zong Mu Ti Yao,comprehensively featured with the ci collections from mid-Qing Dynasty,greatly benefitted from the achievement of compilation of ci poetry in the late Qing Dynasty and consistently linked with the general history catalog,played a groundbreaking role in the construction of modern ci bibliography. Sun Ren-he was the main initiative who advocated plaintive style of ci and opposition to the Scholar's style which filled with allusions. He also supposed that the elegance can be complemented with vulgarity and the defects of "Zhong Zhuo Da" system. Meanwhile,the contemporary evaluation of ci creation and ci theory played an important and undeniable role in the academic history of ci.



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