首页> 中文期刊> 《工程研究-跨学科视野中的工程》 >论工程在科技及经济社会发展中的创新驱动作用




From the perspective of the dialectical relation among engineering, science and technology, this paper discusses the function and meaning of engineering in innovation and development. First, from the function of work and working tools in human evolution, this paper discusses the essence of engineering and the relation among science, technology and engineering. Second, Chinese aerospace has experienced several periods:copying period, self-develop and research period, following-up develop period and innovation development period. This paper points out that scientific and technology development with major projects taking the leading role is a suc-cessful way for China. And there are two principles in the future innovative development:one is to promote scien-tific and technology development and social progress through major projects, the other is to absorb the experience from major projects and then to make up the development plan. Third, this paper discusses the fundamental func-tion of engineering achievements to science development. Fourth, this paper emphasizes three viewpoints on the mission of engineers. Number one is that engineers should guide the engineering practice as per the principles, methods and procedures of project systems. Number two is that the first step in project implementation is to prove the necessity of the project. Number three is that though science and technology is providing a lot benefits to peo-ple, at the same time, human need to pay the cost for the development of science and technology and project con-struction. Engineers and scientists should work together to tackle all problems in human life, since it is the respon-sibility of theirs.%从工程与科学技术辩证关系的角度,在四个方面讨论了工程在创新驱动发展中的作用和意义。从劳动与劳动工具对人类进化和发展过程中的关键作用入手,讨论了工程的本质以及科学、技术、工程三者的关系,认为三者处于“无首尾逻辑”的不断循环的融合体状态,三者互相依赖、互相推动,而工程直接联系着技术的应用和科学的基础,在这一循环中起着“扳机”和载体的作用。以中国航天经历仿制阶段、自主研制阶段、跟踪发展阶段以及开始步入创新驱动发展新时期的58年发展历程为例,论述了以重大工程带动科技发展对我国来说是一条成功之路。提出在未来的创新驱动发展中要坚持两项原则:一是坚持通过重大工程带动科技发展和社会进步;二是要将基础科研按其本身的特点并吸纳重大工程的成功经验制定发展规划。讨论了工程成果对于科学发展的基础作用,提出工程成果不仅是现代基础科学取得重大突破的必要手段和基础,还牵引着诸多基础学科的生成,完善和推动基础学科的发展;工程设施所提供的成果,既是设计成果、验证结果,也是运营的伴行装置;既是对象的物理表现,也是模型化认识的基础科学。对工程师的使命强调了三点认识:一是要依据系统工程的原则、方法和程序指导工程实践,一项重大工程系统在其运行中,必然要包括“非拥护性评审”以及相应的机会成本权衡;二是系统工程实施的第一步是工程需求论证,而复杂工程系统的需求论证必须是全域性的,涉及技术、经济、社会的诸多方面,否则可能造成巨大的损失;三是科技进步将人类社会推到高科技时代的同时,也把我们带进了为科技进步和工程建设而付出的各种代价之中,工程师要与科学家携手,通过“科学—技术—工程”无首尾逻辑的综合运用,共同解决当代民生难点课题,这是工程师的责任。



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