首页> 中文期刊>重庆文理学院学报(社会科学版) >新建应用型大学师资队伍建设基本问题的内在逻辑




新建应用型大学以建设和发展应用型学科和专业为主,培养从事专业实际工作的应用型人才,这就决定了新建应用型大学师资队伍建设的内在逻辑是:以应用为指引方针,对应用型与非应用型、专职与兼职、教学型、教学科研型及科研型教师进行分类指导是根本原则,提升教师个人及整个师资队伍的应用能力是核心战略,而提升能力的基本途径则是加强团队合作,校地、校企、校际合作和国际合作。应用指引、分类指导、能力提升和合作途径等四个基本问题,都贯穿着体制机制的建设与创新,乃题中应有之义。%Newly-built university focus on the construction and the development of application course, and cultivate the applied talents who are occupied in professional work, which decide the internal logic of the newly-built applied university team teacher' s construction that is application is the guiding orientation, the classification guidance to the teachers of the applied and non-ap- plied, full-time and part-time, teaching type, and teaching and researching type and researching type is the main basic principle, and improving the application ability of teacher and the team teacher is the core strategy and the basic approach is to strengthen team work, the corporation between university and enterprise, the two university and the international corporation. The four prob- lems, Application guidance, classification guidance, ability improving and corporation approach, run through the construction and creation of institution mechanism, which are presented in the title of this article



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