首页> 中文期刊> 《重庆三峡学院学报》 >论《孽海花》中晚清士人的“卖直”




Maizhi was evolved from the advisor system in ancient China in that the advising site was converted from the court to other site outside the court and the target advised converted from emperor to officials. This phenomenon flourished under the influence of the notion of “put classics into practice”, the imperial examination system and in the invasion of western powers in Late Qing Dynasty. It evolved into a unique way to express political purpose. A Flower in the Ocean of Sin noticed that Maizhi can on one hand enlighten people’s mind and manifest scholars’ enthusiasm about and attention to politics affairs and the development of the Chinese nation, and on the other it lashed the absurd action of some scholars.%“卖直”由古代谏官制度发展变异而来,谏议的场所由朝堂之上转换到朝堂之外的士人之间,并且在儒家传统经世致用观念与晚清科举制度影响下,在西方列强入侵的刺激下兴盛起来,成为一种奇特的政治话语表达方式。《孽海花》一方面注意到“卖直”可以启发民众思想、开启民智,还能够展现出晚清士人关注时政的热情和对民族未来发展的关切;另一方面,也对一些士人的荒诞行径给予谴责。



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