首页> 中文期刊>重庆电子工程职业学院学报 >论英语教学中的文化背景教育




近年来,随着英语在现实生活中的广泛应用,其对教育水平的要求也在逐步提高.作为一名高校英语教师,若仍局限于课堂上讲解单词和短语、翻译句子和段落,一味地增强学生的应试能力,已不能满足现实的需要.在当今的高等教育中,应加强英语文化背景教育,努力让受教育者在语言学习过程中全面提高综合素养.针对目前高等教育的实际情况,提出对比教学和情景教学两种新颖课堂教育方式并加以论证,以改善英语教学中文化背景教育的不足,最终达到全面提高受教育者的文化素养和综合素质的教学目的.%Recently, according to the popular application of English language in daily life, its educational level is also improved. As a college English teacher, if someone still limit himself or herself to paraphrase new words or phrases and translate sentences or paragraphs, just to enhance students' exam-orientated ability, which can not meet the need of reality. In writer's opinion, during the present high education, we should strengthen the cultural background education and try our best to enhance the students' comprehensive accomplishment. The essay aims at real situation of high education, suggesting contradistinctive teaching and situation teaching and commenting the two novel teaching styles to improve the lack of the cultural teaching and totally improve the educatees' cultural accomplishment.



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