首页> 中文期刊> 《中华女子学院学报》 >身体与治理术--基于近代以来妇女解放运动的考察




The body is never a pure material existence but the result of what Michel Foucault called disciplinary power and intervention. The delicate and changeable nature of the female body has made itself the symbol of women’s liberation framed by the nation-state in modern times. Specifically, various policies of the new democratic revolution mainly aim to meet appeals for civilization and progress as well as reserving potential forces for conflict, not liberating women to live happily and freely. Also, although the central government spares no effort to promote gender equality by admitting women hold up half the sky, the underlying purpose is to employ every possible worker in urgent production. While the country was carrying out the reform and opening-up policy, women were again given a new image as being independent, strong and hardworking. This new turn facilitated women’s participation in the labor market to boost the market economy by freeing themselves from families.%身体从来都不是纯粹的物质存在,而是带着福柯所说的被形形色色的权力所规训和干预的烙印。女性的身体由于其柔弱性、可变性及可塑性,成为近代以来民族与国家叙事下妇女解放运动的符号载体。革命时期解放妇女的种种政策,是服务于革命对“文明、进步”符号意义的需求和革命补充后备力量的需要;建设时期“男女各顶半边天”的意识形态,本质上是为了最大程度动员女性劳动力参与迫在眉睫的生产建设;而新时期塑造“新妇女”形象的号召,则是为市场转型扫除障碍,使女性成为父权制和资本谋利的对象。当代社会消费主义盛行,身体的美学化成为流行趋势,女性看似在积极地塑造出符合标准的身体,然而却再一次落入权力的游戏中。



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