首页> 中文期刊> 《中南大学学报》 >New key-stream generation scheme based on Henon chaotic system

New key-stream generation scheme based on Henon chaotic system



As known to all that Hénon chaotic system is not appropriate for generating the key-streams because it has non-uniformly distributed output signal, a new key-stream generation scheme based on Hénon chaotic system is presented. In order to get the key-streams with good statistics and long enough cycle length, a specific method for dividing the Hénon attractor into numerous non-overlapping sub-regions, and a new one-to-one mapping strategy between the divided sub-regions and elements of dynamically generated matrix consisting of 0's and 1's are proposed. Experimental results demonstrate that the generated key-streams are with long enough cycle length and very sensitive to the initial values and secret keys. For example, key-streams with the cycle length of 10 32 can easily be obtained. Moreover, even if the fluctuation to the initial values or secret keys is as small as 10 14 , uncorrelated key-streams will be generated. Experimental results also demonstrate that the generated key-streams have good randomness and they can pass all the standard criteria specified in FIPS PUB 140-2 with no less than 98%.




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