首页> 中文期刊> 《教育生物学杂志》 >先天性白内障手术后无晶状体性青光眼及其对儿童生存质量的影响




Aphakic glaucoma, which is one of the major complications following congenital cataract extraction, has a relatively higher prevalence. Refractory glaucomatic factors are the most significant challenges to further improving visual prognosis and living quality after cataract surgery. Causality between congenital cataract surgery and aphakic glaucoma has been identified, while its pathophysiology is largely not understood. Various risk factors may be associated with aphakic glaucoma. To have a better understanding of the disease, the research progress on aphakic glaucoma following congenital cataract extraction, including incidence, etiology, pathophysiology, risk factors, diagnosis, management and its impact on living quality of children, is reviewed in this article.%继发于先天性白内障手术的无晶状体性青光眼(AG)发病率高,是混合了多种难治性因素的难治性青光眼,亦是影响儿童先天性白内障手术后视功能恢复和生存质量的主要并发症之一。现已明确白内障手术与AG 存在因果关系,但其确切发病机制尚不清楚,仅发现与 AG 发病有关的危险因素。文章对先天性白内障手术后 AG 的发病率、发病机制、危险因素、诊断、治疗及其对儿童生存质量的影响进行综述。



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