首页> 中文期刊> 《北京印刷学院学报》 >中国画写意性的萌生及工笔画与写意画的早期分化




写意画作为中国传统绘画的重要门类,其发端与发展经历了漫长的衍生过程。写意性作为中国传统绘画的基本特征之一,通常被认为是文人士大夫绘画理论中的首创。但事实上,这一绘画特性的滥觞应上溯至魏晋南北朝时期。受顾恺之传神论的启发,谢赫将气韵生动列为绘画六法之首,而气韵生动的提出,不仅成为其后漫长历史过程中绘画创作与鉴赏的首要条件,更启发了写意性的萌生。作为中国古代最为重要的美术理论家之一,谢赫在《古画品录》中也有意无意地对长于气韵生动与应物象形的画家及他们的绘画风格进行了明确的区分,这也不啻为工笔画与写意画早期分化的征兆。%As a very important subject of Chinese painting, the appearance of impressionistic style doesn't exist in the early era of Chinese painting history. However, the characteristic of the impressionistic style is one of the most remarkable characteristics of traditional painting and it takes a long period to take form. The impressionistic style is usually regarded as the innovation of literati painters. In fact, the origin of this characteristic can be found in the time era of Jin Dynasties and Northern and Southern Dynasties. Inspired by Gu Kaizhi and his theory, Xie He ranked the “rhythmic vitality” as the top one in his theory of “Six Principles of Painting”. From then on, the“rhythmic vitality'became not only the essentials of art creation and criticism in the long history but also the promotion of characteristic of impressionistic style. Xie He, one of the most important aesthetician, clearly divided the artists into two groups according to their painting styles. In his book “The Record and Evaluation of Ancient Paintings”, he suggests that part of those artists are experts in showing the “rhythmic vitality” while others are good at describing the objects in the elaborate style. This also can be regarded as an early portent of the division of the impressionistic style painting and elaborate style painting.



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