首页> 中文期刊> 《百色学院学报》 >黄帝名号的神话历史编码——四重证据法再释“轩辕”与“有熊”




Xuanyuan,originally the name of a constellation whose shape looks like a dragon or a chariot,is a vehicle metaphorically which can travel right to the heaven. Yuhuang is the rainbow-shaped bridge extended to the sky. And Tianxiong is a mythical bear who works as an intermediary between earth and heaven, Yin and Yang. The name and style name of Yellow Emperor are originated from names of the three mythical creatures. They are Yuhuang(the bridge) , the chariot(Xuanyuan)and the bear(Youxiong). The bridge and the chariot serve as transportation vehicles in myth and can symbolize each other while Yuhuang's archetypal im- age is featured with head of one or two dragons,thus earn the name of Longhuang or Longxing- huang(means a dragon-shaped animal). Xuanyuan is driven by a dragon which is able to fly to the sky. The legend about Yellow Emperor's driving a dragon to the sky is a good illustration to com- bine the three mythical names together,which helps to compound the contradiction and semantic op- position in various names of Yellow Emperor and achieve the same mythical understanding about them. Exploring the four-layered evidences to testy it from different aspects will be an efficient way to chase and interpret the cultural memory about our humanian ancestors.%轩辕,为星宿名,蜿蜒如龙如车,喻指通天的神车,玉璜是通天的虹桥,熊为天熊,通天的神话动物,即天与地、阴与阳之间二元对立的调解者、中介者的形象。在黄帝名轩辕号有熊这一符号现象背后,共有三种作为天地之间中介物的象征存在,即玉璜(天桥)、天车(轩辕)、天熊(有熊)。前二者作为神话想象的运载工具,有着互为象征的对应性:玉璜的形制中有一种雕刻出双龙首(有时则为一龙首)的原型形象,故为龙璜或龙形璜;轩辕神车为龙驾之车,上天入地。所谓黄帝骑龙而升天的传说,成为将三种神话名号统一在一个神话情节中的最佳实例。璜为龙形天桥,轩辕为龙驾之天车。有熊为升降于天地之间之天熊。对于黄帝之多种名号的这种三合一式贯通阐释,能够顺理成章,调和三者间的符码矛盾和语义对立,达成统一的神话理解。充分利用四重证据的论证优势,对此做出多方面的证明,将是找回并有效解读有关华夏人文初祖的文化记忆的一条途径。



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