首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >新兴资源型城市景观生态构建模式研究——以陕北榆林为例




Based on the overall understanding of new cities developing based on resources, by taking Yulin City of Shaanxi Province for example and combining with relevant statistical data, main problems existing in resources development have been pointed out, covering simple resources industrial structure and serious wastes in resources development; insufficient intensive processing of products and low level of resources integrated utilization; and deteriorative regional eco-environment. On this basis, a new mode of landscape ecology of resource-based cities have been proposed, emphasizing constructing new green energy industrial development mode from the perspective of microcosmic view; ecological industrial park of circular economy from the perspective of mesoscopic view; and the overall ecological recovery mode of the mining area from the perspective of macroscopic view. It hopes to give avital inspiration to the sustainable development of new resources-based cities.%基于对因资源开发而兴盛的新兴资源型城市的整体认识,以陕北榆林为例,结合相关统计数据资料,指出其资源开发利用中存在的问题,主要在于能源产业结构单一,能源开发浪费严重;产品精深加工不够,资源综合利用水平较低;区域生态环境恶化.在此基础上,从微观、中观、宏观3个层面提出了资源型城市景观生态构建的新模式,强调从微观层面建立新型绿色能源产业发展模式,从中观层面构建循环经济的生态工业园模式,在宏观层面建立矿区整体生态恢复模式.以期对新兴资源型城市的可持续发展具有重要的启发意义.



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