首页> 中文期刊> 《吉林中医药》 >王玉英治疗更年期综合征




王玉英老师从事中医临床工作50余载,治疗女性疾病具有丰富的临床经验和独到的学术见解,尤其在治疗更年期综合征方面.王老师认为肾气亏虚是更年期综合征发病的主要原因.补肾法为治疗本病的第一大法,补肾重在调补阴阳,使之恢复相对的平衡,肾阴虚者治宜滋养肾阴,肾阳虚者治宜温补肾阳,并强调阴阳互补.补肾法应贯穿始终.然而临床中单纯肾阴虚证或肾阳虚证较少见,多累及其他脏腑,夹杂兼证,故治疗需兼顾,在临床治疗时若以主症为主,则用药时以主方为主再根据兼症进行适当加减;若以兼症为主,则以治疗兼症的方药为主再加补肾的药物进行治疗,要具体问题具体分析及调整,方能取得较好疗效.%WANG Yuying has been engaged in the TCM clinical work for over 50 years and has rich clinical experience and unique academic insight in treating female diseases, especially in the treatment of climacteric syndrome. WANG thinks that kidney qi deficiency is the main cause of climacteric syndrome. Kidney-nourishing therapy is the first solution in the treatment of the disease, which is refocusing on the yin and yang to restore the balance, kidney-yin deficiency should nourish the kidney-yin, kidney-yang deficiency should nourish the kidney-yang, and emphasize the complementary of yin and yang. Kidney-nourishing therapy should be used throughout. In practice clinical, however, simple kidney-yin deficiency or kidney-yang deficiency syndrome is rare, many other organs involved , interspersed with other evidence, so the treatment should be simultaneously. In clinical treatment, if given priority to the main symptoms, the drug is given depending on the main prescription and meliorate it according to the other evidence; If it is given priority to other symptoms, the drug treat the accompanied symptom makes up most of it, and the drug that tonifying kidney is added. It is important to analyze and adjust specific problems to achieve better results.



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