首页> 中文期刊> 《吉林中医药》 >结合“天人相应”思想探析形神合一




The Canon of Internal Medicine points out that "qi" is the origin of all things,it is a mediator of the relationship between man and nature."qi" was separated to yin and yang,the promotion of all the developments and changes is based on yin and yang.Therefore,the nature of the sun and the moon,the seasons changing,the weather and other changes will directly affect the body's blood running,it is correspondence between man and universe.Correspondence between man and universe is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine theory.It is the use of ancient naive materialism and the view of nature on traditional Chinese medicine,it deeply reveals the close relationship between man and nature,people can explore the law of human life activity through the realization of the laws of the physical movement of nature,regulate their own life activities,and achieve harmony and balance of somatic and spiritual harmony,the harmony between man and nature has a profound guiding significance for clinical and health.%《内经》认为“气”是万物的本源,是沟通天人之间联系的中介物质.气分阴阳二气,阴阳二气相互作用,生成了天地、万物,也生成了人类.因此自然界的日月运行、季节转换、气象等变化会直接影响人体内的气血运行,即为“天人相应”.“天人相应”是中医理论的重要组成部分,是古代朴素唯物论和自然观在中医学中的运用,深刻地揭示了人与自然的密切关系,人们可通过对自然界物质运动规律的参悟来探求人体生命活动的规律,即通过分析天人关系的原理来探析形神关系的内涵,从而调节自身生命活动,而达到“形与神俱”,“天人合一”的和谐平衡,对于临床与养生都有着深刻的指导意义.



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